Drawing from established models of technology acceptance, this study presents a comprehensivemodel that explores the influence of both Innovation-related factors and Citizen-related factors.Furthermore, it examines how trust in Internet of Things (IoT) technology moderates the relationshipbetween innovation-related factors and intention to adopt Smart Home Technologies (SHTs). Data werecollected from 401 participants and analyzed using Partial least squares (PLS). The results revealed thatcitizen-related factors generally have a positive and significant influence on behavioral intention to adoptSHTs, with the exception of perceived security risk and service quality. On the other hand, innovationrelatedfactors have a significant overall effect. Moreover, trust was found to moderate the relationshipbetween citizen-related factors (such as compatibility and complexity) and the adoption of SHTs. Thissuggests that improving trust in SHTs providers and focusing on technological advancements are crucialfor promoting acceptance of SHTs. To conclude, this research contributes to a deeper understanding ofIoT acceptance among Jordanians, particularly regarding SHTs. It provides insights for decision-makers toprioritize technological improvements and foster trust in service offerings, ultimately driving the adoptionof SHTs in Jordan.