Accountancy students’ perceptions of the quality of teaching and learning experiences in two UK business schools: implications for generic skills development
Written by Mohammad ALshhadat, |
Hits: 48
Challenges to Adopt Blockchain Technology in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
Written by Mohammad ALshhadat, |
Hits: 67
Corporate governance in the COVID-19 pandemic: current practices and potential improvement
Written by د.محمد الشحادات |
Hits: 174
The Patterns of the intellectual capital disclosure in emerging economies; the case of Jordanian companies
Written by Mohammad ALshhadat, Renata I Dtenka |
Hits: 163
الرئيسية نتائج البحث أثر تبني الشركات المساهمة العامة الأردنية لمبادئ الحاكمية المؤسسية في قرارات المستثمر المؤسسي في بورصة عمان
Written by د.محمد الشحادات |
Hits: 177
Pre-COVID-19 student perceptions on blended learning and flipped classroom in accountancy: a case study from two emerging UK HEIs
Written by د.محمد الشحادات |
Hits: 166
The determinants of sustainability reporting: evidence from Saudi petrochemical companies
Written by د.محمد الشحادات |
Hits: 181
اثر حوكمة الشركات على الاداء المالي للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة: دراسة حالة الشركات الاردنية
Written by د.محمد الشحادات |
Hits: 210
محددات ربحية مؤسسات التمويل الأصغر في الأردن
Written by د.محمد الشحادات |
Hits: 165
The impact of environmental disclosure on value relevance: Moderating role of environmental performance
Written by Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh |
Hits: 144