Category: Sociology
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This study aimed to examine the differences between  the government hospitals and
private hospitals in patients' satisfaction. Also to examine the effect of all theoretically
important satisfaction factors together as well as separate on the patients' overall
satisfaction.   Moreover, to examine the relationship between patients' overall satisfaction
and patient satisfaction factors. This study consisted of five  government hospitals and
five  private hospitals in Jordan.
A   Patient Satisfaction Scale developed by Attkisson and his colleagues at the
University of California at San Francisco  was adapted and translated into Arabic as a
data-gathering instrument for this study. A convenient sample of patients (n=400) was
Findings showed a significant differences between government  and private hospitals
in patients' total satisfaction scores (t=-6.79, p=.002). A significant differences were
found between government  and private hospitals in patients' overall satisfaction (t=-6.0,
p=.000). Also significant differences were found between government and private
hospitals in patient each individual satisfaction item . A strong positive relationship was
found between patients' overall satisfaction and the total score of patients' satisfaction
aspects (r=.42, p=.001).    All  theoretically important variables were able to explain 58%
of the variance on the patients' overall satisfaction. However, when regressing patients'
overall satisfaction in the government hospitals on all patients' satisfaction factors, these
factors were able to explain 51% of the variance on the patients' overall satisfaction.
Moreover, when regressing patients' overall satisfaction in the private hospitals on all
patients' satisfaction factors, these factors were able to explain 43% of the variance on
the patients' overall   satisfaction.