Category: Sociology
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Occupational Prestige in Jordan

Qublan Majali   

Occupation can be an important criterion of social prestige. This paper presents the findings of a descriptive analysis of occupation rating as stated by a representative (1200) of Mu’tah University students. It reveals the ratings of 60 common occupations in Jordan, and it appears that educational level, income and power are the most important factors that affect the rating of occupations. The study includes a comparison between the ratings of occupations in Jordan and the United States. It shows that the two rankings are not identical, but are in substantial agreement, as shown by correlation analysis. The author concludes that the occupational ratings for Jordan are similar to other countries, and this study is useful in making a broad comparison between different communities and different historical periods.


 Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 18 , issue 1, Kuwait University, 1990. ISSN: 0253-1097