Category: Pediatrics
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Celiac Disease in South Jordan: The Typical and the Atypical

*Eyad Altamimi
* Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Mu’tah University, Alkarak 61710, Jordan

Pediat Therapeut 2012, 2:6


Celiac disease is an autoimmune enteropathy in genetically susceptible individuals triggered by exposure to wheat gluten. Celiac disease presented classically with malabsorption related symptoms. The term “atypical” celiac disease is used to describe patients presenting with extraintestinal symptoms, positive serology and typical small
intestinal changes. Few studies had addressed atypical or silent CD in the Middle East. In this case series we are presenting the first cases of CD diagnosed at our new service at South Jordan. The small number limits any statistical conclusions, but it shows that the non-classical presentations are not uncommon in our rural community.