Recently, software products have played a vital rolein our daily lives, having a signifi cant impact on industries andthe economy. Software product line engineering is an engineeringstrategy that allows for the systematic reuse and developmentof a set of software products simultaneously, rather than justone software product at a time. This strategy mainly relies onfeatures composition to generate multiple new software products.Unwanted feature interactions, where the integration of multiplefeature implementations hinders each other, are challengingin this strategy. This leads to performance degradation, andunexpected behaviors may happen. In this article, we propose anapproach to detect and visualize all feature interactions early. Ourapproach depends on an unsupervised clustering technique calledformal concept analysis to achieve the goal. The effectiveness ofthe proposed approach is evaluated by applying it to a largeand benchmark case study in this domain. The results indicatethat the proposed approach effectively detects and visualizes allinteracted features. Also, it saves developer efforts for detectinginteracted features in a range between 67% and 93%.
Detecting and Visualizing Implementation Feature Interactions in Extracted Core Assets of Software Product Line
- Details
- Written by Hamzeh Eyal Salman, Yaqin Al-Ma’aitah, Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai
- Category: Information Technology
- Hits: 153
Abstract :