Abtract :

Ejectors are a kind of pump that does not have any moving components. In certain cases, the motor fluid may be a liquid, steam, or another gas. The research focuses on using nano adsorption combined with a multi ejector to fuel a sophisticated nano adsorption power plant, which is equipped with three shapes of steam boiler generators. The simulation was accomplished by implementing it with the cooperation of the two programs MATLAB A and MATLAB B, together with a solid flow. To raise the temperature of the working fluid before it enters the generator, a jet pump is positioned before the generator. To enhance the mass flow rate of vapor going into the ejector, a two-stage adjustable booster was added after the evaporator, which gives low evaporator temperature. A further experiment in which the two-stage adjustable booster was used before the generator to reduce the amount of work done by the generator. The ejector's cooling unit is powered by steam created from many energy sources powered by advanced hybrid heat and power systems, including solar energy and steam produced by the electric steam generator. The different devices are either directly triggered by a thermal source to achieve heating, cooling, or refrigeration. The steam boiler generator is the core of the cooling unit; in this research, various types of steam boiler generators are linked with adsorption units, such as steam-powered solar boilers, gas boilers, solid fuel steam boilers, and electric boilers. Heat exchangers were utilized to transfer heat from the solar chimney to the ejector cooling unit. The impact of various ejector geometries on the advanced cooling unit was studied and simulated for the single, double, and triple nozzle ejector. There were no issues with the more effective cooling unit. This unit performed better than traditional adsorption cooling units, having a greater efficiency


 Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
