Title: An Investigation of Activity Trackers’ Potential Harmful Impacts On Mental Health And Factors Controlling User Intention For Adaptability Conference Paper: 50th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering: Sustainable Digital Transformation, CIE 2023 Sharjah Authors: Steffen Baumann Esraa, S. Abdelall, Najat Almasarwah, Richard T. Stone, Fatima Mgaedeh, Tamer Yared ABSTRACT: Whereas previous research illustrates the positive aspects of activity trackers on improving human well-being, fitness, and health, the overarching hypothesis of this work is that trackers might harm users. A questionnaire of 30 items was distributed online to assess potential trackers’ harms and their acceptance and rejection factors across gender, job type, tracker usage history, and tracker brand. Data were then analyzed using Chi-square test to understand the effects for each of the previously mentioned factors on the likelihood of tracker harms. Findings showed that some participants were found to be obsessed with their trackers in a way that led them to adopt unhealthy training routines, diets, as well as quit social life. Moreover, trackers were found to affect participants’ mental health, where feelings of anger, stress, anxiety, and fear were reported. Participants also reported sleeping difficulties, leading them to see a physician and take medications. This study draws attention to the harmful effect of activity trackers on mental health and provides motivation for treating them.
An Investigation of Activity Trackers’ Potential Harmful Impacts On Mental Health And Factors Controlling User Intention For Adoptability
- Details
- Written by Dr.Najat AL-Masarwah
- Category: Industrial Systems
- Hits: 52