Category: Industrial Systems
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Abstract :

Authors: Najat Almasarwah, Gürsel Süer   Publication date: 2018/1/1   Journal: Procedia Manufacturing   Abstract Effectiveness of the scheduling and sequencing of the products on the cells has a major impact on the productivity of a manufacturing system. Since the scheduling and sequencing processes depend on product variety and the demand values of products in the cell many studies have appeared in the literature to group the products to product families. In this context, a given dissimilarity coefficient is proposed where each product family is divided into subfamilies based on maximizing processing time dissimilarity coefficient. The gap between the processing times will be higher. Also, the bottleneck machine shifts from one product to others. Furthermore, two methods, batch scheduling method and scheduling in different arrival patterns by using simulation, are utilized to schedule the products in the system. In the batch scheduling method, two techniques, line clearance batch technique, and continuous flow batch technique, are used to schedule the products in the flowshop cell. In the second method, the simulation models are used to schedule the products with different arrival patterns. The probability to mix the products in this method is high, whenever the gap between the processing times is large. However, the makespan for each method is calculated to determine the performance of the system. The results show that scheduling the products with different arrival patterns reduces the makespan of the system.