
The education system has dramatically changedfrom physical to online due to COVID-19. Millions of learnersaround the world have been affected due to the pandemiccaused by coronavirus. The emergence of COVID-19 has forcededucational institutions to divert all strategies from physical toonline platforms for the safety of the students, instructors, andall the other staff members. The processes of examiningstudents and their assessment strategies are heavily affected dueto the sudden adoption of online education than physicaleducation at campus. The research in this paper discusses issuesrelevant to online assessments and the strategies used by theuniversities due to COVID-19 in the region of UAE. Theresearch collected data through an online questionnaire from312 undergraduate university students in UAE to understandtheir behaviour. Furthermore, their performance of onlineassessment is gauged through the analysis of exams transcriptsand comparison is made with their previous GPA and CGPA tounderstand the effects of COVID-19 on their overallperformance. Semi-structured interviews were conducted todiscuss issues related to e-assessment and recommendations aremade to improve the online assessment process in universities.The research proves that students have benefited from theonline assessment.Index Terms—Covid-19, Corona, e-assessment, university,students, online education.