Category: BA and MIS
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Abstract :

This chapter's aim is two-fold: to examine the impact of Wasta on long-term supply chain relationship and uncover the ways trust functions the complex interplay between culture (Wasta) and long-term supply chain relationship. Data from 350 buyers and 302 suppliers in the Jordanian manufacturing sector show that there is a general consensus on the idea that long-term buyer-supplier relationship is significantly affected by Wasta and that theqa (i.e. trust) moderates the relationship between Wasta and long-term relationship. The findings contribute to the increasing shift of focus towards contextualizing organisational research beyond Hofstede's cross-cultural paradigm to encompass context-specific religious-cultural values of the Middle East region.   In Khosrow-Pour D.B.A., M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology (pp. 2505-2520).

IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3473-1.ch174