Category: Plant Production
Hits: 1856

Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11 (6): 718-722, 2012

ISSN 1990-9233

© IDOSI Publications, 2012


Abstract: Small fruit sizing from the Black Magic grapevine were produced during the last several years, even though different cultural practices have been developed to optimize the quality of the table grapes.

The influence of GA application on fruit quality and productivity of cane pruned Black Magic grape cultivar


as well as cane Girdling practice were evaluated. Berries treated with GA or with GA + Girdle developed heavier berries, increased berry diameter, produced heavier bunches and increased number of berries per bunch in compares to the control grapevine trees. Percentages of berry shattering was increased in all grapevine treatments, otherwise, berry quality was improved by GA ; since soluble solids was increased and titratable acidity was decreased, but also GA reduced berry color. GA is an effective method in improving Black Magic grape cultivar berries, which could be used in wide range orchards, since; in most cases, it produced better results than girdle treated bunches and do not show any significant results than the GA + Girdle treated grapevine trees.