Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Hits: 2131


(ظاهرة القسم بوساطة الحروف في القران الكريم (دراسة تحليلية



The present study endeavors to analyse one stylistic and linguistic phenomenon that pertains to employing particles for swearing purposes. This phenomenon has been traced in the Holy Koran. Attempts have been made to pinpoint it in light of rhetoric criteria. This has been done to delimit its various expressions so as to debuce possible rhetoric expressive secrets hidden in it.

It has been found that utilizing such stylistic phenomenon serves various functions depending on the speaker's intention. Some of the prominent functions of this phenomenon include conciseness, lightness, harmony among the words of a swearing expression or alienation or consideration, the intention of showing the aesthetic aspects of a certain image, or shared common interests or drawing a lesson, in addition to the general function of emphasis. All of these functions render this phenomenon important and a subject that is worth studying

It also appears to me that there are variations between employing such phenomenon in general discourse and employing it in the Holy Loran where it is subject to creed considerations which in turn, lay constraints on the flexibility of the absolute expressions of the swearing picture.
