The Effects of Cuminum cyminum L. and Carum carvi L. Seed Extracts on Human Erythrocyte Hemolysis
كتب بواسطة: Omar M. Atrooz |
الزيارات: 3123
Developmental studies on Drosophila melanogaster glutathione s-transferase and its induction by oxad
كتب بواسطة: Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti |
الزيارات: 2212
A comparison of cardiac glutathione S-transferases from wild and domestic animals
كتب بواسطة: Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti |
الزيارات: 2157
Effects of iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins on the activity and contents of human placental copper/
كتب بواسطة: Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti and Marwan S. Saleh |
الزيارات: 2188
Interplay between Glutathione-S-Transferase and Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Neonatal Cord B
كتب بواسطة: Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti, M. Al-Shareef |
الزيارات: 3719
Rapid HPLC Procedure for the Quantitation of Phytochelatins in Plant Tissue Extracts
كتب بواسطة: Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti; Imad K. Abukhalaf; Natalia Silvestrov; Mohamed Bayorh |
الزيارات: 2748
Toward Understanding the Influence of Soil Metals and Sulfate Content on Plant Thiols
كتب بواسطة: Hunaiti Abdelrahim; Al-Oqlah Ahmed; Shannag Noor; Abukhalaf Imad; Silvestrov Natalia; von Deutsch |
الزيارات: 2291
Isolation and characterization of basic superoxide dismutase consisting of Mr.-25000 subunits in rat
كتب بواسطة: Toshihisa ISHIKAWA , Abdel Rahim HUNAITI , Gisela PIECHOT Bernhard WOLF |
الزيارات: 2047
Biodegradation Kinetics of Four Substituted Chlorobenzoic Acids by Enterobacter aerogenes
كتب بواسطة: Khaled A. Tarawneh; Fawzi Irshaid; Isam H. Ajlundi; Muayad M. Abboud; Noor A. Mohammed; Ali M. Khlei |
الزيارات: 2420
Characterization of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Dioxygenase from Recombinant Esherichia coli Strain PFJS39
كتب بواسطة: Khaled M. Khleifat |
الزيارات: 2076