Effect of Treated Waste Water on the Behavior of Unsaturated Soil
كتب بواسطة: Maaitah, Omer N.; Tarawneh, Sultan A. |
الزيارات: 2598
Effect of Treated and Raw Wastewater on the Behavior of Unsaturated Soil
كتب بواسطة: Omer Nawaf Maaitah Husam D. Al-Hamaiedeh and Sultan A. Tarawneh |
الزيارات: 2797
Consolidation analysis using the settlement rate-settlement (SRS) method
كتب بواسطة: Mohammed Shukri AL-Zoubi |
الزيارات: 2755
Swell Characteristics of Natural and Treated Compacted Clays
كتب بواسطة: Mohammed Shukri Al-Zoubi |
الزيارات: 2414