Category: Chemistry
Hits: 1980

N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh.
2008, vol. 249/3, p. 333–344, Stuttgart, September 2008, published online 2008,Tayel El-Hasan


Geochemistry and paleo-depositional environments that existed during the accumulation

of the Upper Cretaceous organic-rich oil shales of central Jordan were determined using trace

elements, total organic matter and sulfur (TE-TOC-S) relationships, particularly using paleo-redox

trace element indicators (i. e. Mo, V, Cd, Zn and U). By using XRF the samples collected from

El-Lajjoun outcrop were analyzed for major and trace elements. Compared to the average shale

the studied rocks show moderate degrees of trace element enrichments where Cd > Mo > U > Cr > Zn

> Ni > Cu > V resembling those of Pennsylvanian organic-rich black shales. The studied samples

present high TOC contents with an average of about 17.39 wt%, which exceeds the euxinic threshold

of A



(2004). However, trace elements show no covariance with the TOC.