Category: Adult Health Nursing
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Nurs Health Sci. 2013 Jan 24

After the Doctorate: A qualitative study investigating nursing research career development in Jordan.


Faculty of Nursing, The University of Mutah, Mutah, Jordan.


There is a dearth of research exploring the development of postdoctoral nursing research careers in non-Western contexts. This paper reports on a qualitative study of Jordanian graduates of UK PhD programs. Interviews were held with 16 graduates who worked in the nursing faculty of seven different universities in Jordan. Participants reported that their doctoral degree had equipped them with confidence and enthusiasm for developing a research career. Mentorship, leadership, and peer support were identified as essential to supporting ongoing research activity. Access to these sources of support was variable and participants also described a range of institutional and organizational structures that directly or indirectly discouraged them from developing research productivity. This research suggests that support for postdoctoral novice researchers is an important area for further attention - for Jordanian universities, for UK PhD supervisors (and their associated academic departments), and for the wider nursing community.


Al‐Nawafleh, A., Zeilani, R. S., & Evans, C. (2013). After the D octorate: A qualitative study investigating nursing research career development in J ordan. Nursing & health sciences15(4), 423-429.