Category: Psychology
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British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 January 2015, Vol. 12 (2)


This study aimed at investigating and measuring the level of executive functions of the brain of a sample of schizophrenic patients in the Hospital of the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) during 2013-2014. The sample of the study consisted of (112) schizophrenic patients as diagnosed by psychiatrist. These patients received the psychological and treatment service in the Ministry of Health by (99) male and (13) female patients. The researcher applied the behavioral estimating list for executive functions by elderly persons, where the stability coefficient of Cronbach Alpha for the instrument was 0.91. The results indicated that the level of sample member responses to the list was high by an arithmetic mean of 2.38 and standard deviation of 0.33. The dimension of "operating memory" obtained the first rank and high level, while the dimension of "arrange tools and items" obtained the last rank and medium level. The results indicated statistically significant differences among the means of sample members response to the list attributed to gender and job to the favor of female patients. The results also indicated differences between segment of (18-30 years), (30-50 years) and (50 years or more) to the favor of segment (50 years and more). Results were discussed in the light of available literature, the growth of executive functions, and interaction among gender, age and job in the executive functions.