Category: Counseling and Special Education
Hits: 921

Abu-Hamour, B., & Muhaidat, M. (2013).

Parents’ attitudes toward inclusion of  students with autism

International Journal of Inclusive Education. Online First, June 3


This study investigated the attitudes of parents in Jordan towards the inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in public schools and what the

parents believed to be the most important prerequisite of child-based skills for successful inclusion. A total of 148 parents were selected to complete the survey.

The researchers explored whether variable demographic characteristics such as age, student’s gender, parent’s gender, education levels, monthly income, and

high- or low-function ASD correlated with the attitudes of parents towards inclusion of students with ASD in public schools. The analyses revealed that the

variables that correlated with parents’ attitudes towards inclusion were education levels and high- or low-function ASD. The themes behind the parents’ attitude

for inclusion are discussed. With regard to the prerequisite skills for successful inclusion, the results indicated that parents recommended independent skills,

playing skills, behavioural skills, imitation skills, routine skills, social skills, paying attention skills, language skills, and pre-academic and academic skills in 

that order.


Keywords: special educationautism spectrum disorderinclusionstudents with special needs